Therapy Services

Therapy Services

We offer a variety of specialized therapy services, treatments, and counseling services in Lindon, Utah

Don't Know Where To Start? 

At Advanced Trauma Care & Recovery, we provide various therapy, treatment and counseling services in Lindon, Utah and surrounding communities.

We help those who are struggling with relationship issues. In addition, we help individuals with depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, & other behavioral conditions.

We can help you heal from your trauma. Even if you don't understand what you're going through at this time. There is hope for living a healthier, happy life again after a traumatic experience. It would be best if you didn't have to wait, there is help available today. 

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Therapy Services

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is a psychiatric disorder. It may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. For example, a natural disaster, a severe accident, a terrorist act, or a war/combat are often causes of PTSD. 

It is estimated that PTSD affects about 1 in every 3 people with a traumatic experience. It's not clear why some develop a PTSD condition, and others don't.

If you have PTSD or think you may, you'll need to work with a mental health professional. They will help you to find the best treatment for your symptoms. Make an appointment with a Therapy Worx mental health professional today.

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Anxiety can show up in many different forms.  It leads a person to feel elevated and prolonged levels of stress, which become problematic and can interfere with basic functioning.  Those who suffer from anxiety may constantly feel overwhelmed, out of control, helpless, and hopeless.  People who suffer from anxiety commonly report feeling stuck in their own head, being plagued by negative thoughts.

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Complex Trauma

When an individual experiences one or more types of trauma consistently over time, it becomes compounded and cumulative in our minds and bodies…it becomes complex trauma, which is considered more severe and generally takes more time to heal.

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Family of Origin Issues

Research in genetics over the past few decades has revealed that the experiences we have are coded in our DNA. This “Genetic Predisposition” research is called Epigenetics and continues to show just how much trauma experienced in one generation can manifest traumatic responses in later generations. This explains why some people describe seeing generational patterns of substance abuse, sexual abuse, self-harm, depression, anxiety and other disorders and how what they feel or what they think doesn’t seem to belong to them.


A natural response that our minds and bodies do to check out from, escape from or rest from people, places, situations or things that are stressful, fearful or reminiscent of trauma.

Dissociation can become disruptive and severe, negatively impacting

  • Jobs
  • School
  • Relationships 
  • Other roles and responsibilities

Sexual Addiction and Recovery

This type of addiction occurs when there is a dependence of sexual behavior in order to cope with the stressors of life.  This dependence can create interpersonal as well as relationship problems. 

Betrayal Trauma

This type of trauma occurs when a spouse experiences repeated denial, lies, manipulation, crazy making and other emotional and mental abuse from their partners who are attempting to cover up and conceal emotional, relational and/or sexual infidelity.


In the age of digital media and engaging technology, a new crisis of infidelity has emerged. 

People who never intended to be unfaithful are unwittingly crossing the line from platonic friendships into romantic relationships. The causes of affairs can occur in happy relationships as well as in troubled ones. For example, conflict avoidance, fear of intimacy, or life cycle changes like parenthood and empty-nesting. As a result, a person can link their trauma to these infidelity vulnerabilities and relationship problems. 

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is an acronym for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a treatment method developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980’s. The approach has been widely and extensively researched, validated and fine tuned to address all kinds of mood disorders, addictions and trauma. 

Teletherapy Services

We are available to meet online for those who are not comfortable meeting with a therapist in person.

Professional Associations

Couples Counseling

We cover pre-commitment preparation or help for existing long-term relationships. We are specialized to help you in finding more intimacy, connection, safety and love.
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