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What's the Big Deal About Porn Addiction, Is it Even Real?

Cameron Browne • January 22, 2021
Advanced Trauma Care & Recovery - What's the big deal about porn addiction and is it even real?

When you enter a conversation about whether porn addiction is real, you may need to prepare for a great debate. The controversy regarding porn addiction seemed to intensify with the release of the DSM 5 in 2013. But why? 

You won't find porn addiction in the DSM. As such, some may dismiss the addictive behaviors that accompany the addiction as something else. Likewise, some may ask, "What's the big deal?" 

In this article, we'll talk about some reasons why some may struggle to consider the reality of porn addiction. We'll also highlight some of the issues that can develop from excessive use of pornography.The body content of your post goes here.

Advanced Trauma Care & Recovery - Is Porn Addiction Real?

Is Porn Addiction Real? 

Well, that depends on what criteria you base your opinion on. For example, you won't be able to find pornography addiction in the DSM. However, many professionals will debate the reality of the harm and addictive like patterns they see. So, why isn't it listed in the DSM? Some argue that society plays too large of a role in dictating what 'normal' behavior is, especially regarding sexual behavior. As a result, the definitive criteria seems to shift to be more opinion-based. 

Next, there is the issue that there is not a substance introduced into the body influencing the brain. However, gambling, a behavioral addiction, is in the DSM. As a result, some believe this opens the door for pornography addiction to possibly find its way into the DSM. 

What is the role of the DSM regarding addictions? Well, with an official listing in the DSM, there is more opportunity to receive funding for research. Furthermore, if it's in the DSM, health insurance coverage is more likely. As access to pornography rises, so does the risk of addiction. As studies continue, the answers to many questions can become more clear. An official diagnosis in the DSM could help clarify the reality of this harmful addiction. 

Advanced Trauma Care & Recovery - Where can I turn for help with a porn addiction?

Where Can I Turn for Help with My Porn Addiction? 

The reality for many who are living with porn addiction is that they want to stop, but they can not. In other words, the consequences they face may not influence their ability to resist compulsive urges to act. 

Like other addictions, porn addiction can heavily influence daily life. In addition to mental and physical health issues, it can also damage careers and relationships. Furthermore, porn addiction can lead to illegal activity. 

The feelings and emotions that accompany other addictions are often present with porn addiction as well. For example, you may experience shame, guilt, hopelessness, anger, and fear. These emotions can lead to isolation, anxiety, depression, and aggression. 

The good news is hope and happiness can return through healing and recovery. At Advanced Trauma Care & Recovery, we understand addiction. Likewise, we realize the negative reality of porn addiction. We want to help you get your life back. Call us today.

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