When you enter a conversation about whether porn addiction is real, you may need to prepare for a great debate. The controversy regarding porn addiction seemed to intensify with the release of the DSM 5 in 2013. But why? You won't find porn addiction in the DSM. As a result, some may wonder, "Is porn addiction real?"
When you enter a conversation about whether porn addiction is real, you may need to prepare for a great debate. The controversy regarding porn addiction seemed to intensify with the release of the DSM 5 in 2013. But why? You won't find porn addiction in the DSM. As a result, some may wonder, "Is porn addiction real?"
During the holidays, self-care can take a back seat to busy schedules and stress. However, self-care is a critical component to help you avoid diving deeper into your sexual addiction. What is it about the holidays that can make it so difficult to avoid relapse?
Neurofeedback is a therapeutic technique used to help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Although neurofeedback is not a quick fix, it is a form of treatment that can be effective in treating your symptoms over time. Although gradual, neuro may be another way to help you through your healing process.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy is a form of therapy growing in popularity in treating those with PTSD. Treatment is accelerated meaning you may find relief in as few as one to five sessions. As a result, many people who are living with PTSD and trauma are finding hope and healing.
Traumatic events can become frozen in our minds. As a result, sounds, sights, or smells can trigger those memories. A flashback instantly takes you right to those moments of high distress. It is exhausting and terrifying. However, through a therapeutic approach called EMDR, you can find relief.
EMDR therapy has been successful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder. Likewise, it can help you resolve the root cause of your anxiety or fear. It's also useful in treating trauma. Many people who suffer from the debilitating affects of anxiety, PTSD, and trauma are experiencing relief through EMDR therapy.